listening: "CLEAR" by MOMMA 

I believe in "self care", no not because it is a trend (i mean there are worse trends than self care, cmon ppl). I practice chakra work to support in my "sElF CaRe JoUrneY". I could sit here all day and teach you about chakras but I REALLY DONT WANNA. 

Image result for blue chakra

Blue represents the THROAT chakra. With all of this recent chaos, we need to use our voices more than ever. Remember when people talked on the phone? I enjoy solitude but even I am longing to chat with my friends and family all day long at this current moment. Wanna ignite the throat chakra and get the conversation started? or having trouble telling someone something? Then surround yourself with blue and help your voice on its way!

Image result for blue chakra

I usually go to yoga to "open" a chakra but now? Im going to try it with makeup. Because doing my makeup is as therapeutic to me as yoga and meditation are, why not integrate it? Below is the link to my latest, not to mention LONGEST, Youtube vid to date. Enjoy!



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